For a complete list of our most needed donations, click below to visit out Amazon Wishlist:
Bedding (New Pillows, Fitted Sheets, Blankets, etc)
We are a 76 bed shelter; therefore, pillows, sheets, blankets and bedding are some of our most needed items at House of Mercy. In addition, when residents leave House of Mercy, they are provided with a set of clean bedding, new socks and an extra set of clean clothes.
Winter Coats, Hats, Gloves, Boots
Winter in Rochester can be fierce, and we are trying to prepare for the cold weather by stocking up on winter coats, hats, and gloves. We need all sizes of winter coats (but particularly, men’s size large and extra-large).
New Clothes
To ensure our guests have access to clean clothes when they arrive at the shelter, we maintain a clothing room with comfortable clothes in a wide range of sizes. We house both men and women; however, most House of Mercy guests are men who require new underwear, socks, sweatpants and t-shirts.
- New Socks (everyday socks and wool socks for winter)
- New Men’s and Women’s Underwear
- Bras (new and gently used, all sizes)
- Flip Flops (Men’s and Women’s flip flops are used as shower shoes)
- Sweat pants (when residents enter the shelter we provide them a clean set of clothes)
- Comfortable short- and long-sleeved t-shirts for men
Personal Care Items
- Blankets, towels, sheets, washcloths
- Travel-size bars of soap and lotion
- Razors
- Toothbrushes & Toothpaste
- Shampoo & Conditioner
- Bandaids
For a complete list of our most needed donations, please click below to visit out Amazon Wishlist:
Christmas Toys
Every year we serve thousands of families at Christmas time. People come to us asking for toys for their children. If you are interested in donating a toy to a child in need you can bring new, unwrapped toys to our shelter at 285 Ormond street.
All donated items can be delivered to the House of Mercy, Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm.